Born to a police officer, patrick Donald Ngarombo (RIP) and Lucy Opira in Uganda
Abok Village Primary School
Kololo High School, Kampala
Kitante Hill School, Kampala
The American College in London (ACL-UK)
Skillsline International-London (UK)
Launching of the Anti- AIDS poetic campaigns in Uganda
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Safe Life Uganda (SLU) is an indigenous Non Government Organisation registered with Uganda National Board in charge of NGO registration. The registration which took place in 2003 gives SLU the mandate to offer appropriate health services in the areas of HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, sickle cells, among others........................

SLU, as popularly known offers sensitisation campaigns among the youths, preventive tips and care broadly among the communities. The organisation does not involve itself in direct treatment of patients but once in a while undertakes counselling and donations to destitutes and the under privileged scattered at all levels of communities across the country and beyond with focus on great love for humanity.

SLU is rated among the most highly recognised Organisations and has had the most tremendous impact through innovative programmes reaching communities with unique information on preventive and care methods.

With limited resources and moreover mobilised locally, the Organisation has managed to access and sensitise students in over 2500 learning institutions giving tips on preventive methods and how one can live life to the fullest.

Safe Life Uganda’s work is built on the premise that HIV/AIDS is a cross cutting issue in all sectors. Whereas the responsibility of protecting the citizens is vested in Government, Civil Society Organisations like SLU have made contributions to ensure that the infected and affected people access services indiscriminately.

Over the years, one of SLU’s major projects was sensitisation of Communities about HIV/AIDS mainly through the Anti-HIV/AIDS Anthem. This was implemented through sensitisation campaigns in schools and communities (youths in over 2500 schools were successfully reached and sensitised), presentation of Anti-AIDS programmes on FM radio stations and national televisions, printing of Anti- HIV/AIDS posters, burning of CDs among others with the aim of engaging the participation of a broader audience.

Safe Life Uganda’s vision is to strive for good health, informed society and sustainable labour force.

Our mission is to spread information about HIV/AIDS / other killer diseases and to uplift the status of vulnerable groups especially Widows, Widowers, Orphans among others.

Over the years, Safe Life Uganda registered achievements that include but not limited to the under listed:

  • It is the first organisation to legally roll out the HIV/AIDS Anthem globally.
  • The first Organisation to have directly accessed and sensitised over 2500 (two thousand five hundred) schools in Uganda, a unique activity that had never enjoyed adequate media exposure for the involvement of global actors in this particular programme.
  • Donated Anti-HIV/AIDS Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material nationally and globally
  • An indigenous Organisation which was established using solely personal / family savings and is now open to the world
  • Networking with other Organisations and Government Ministries


  • The ever increasing demand for our services in Uganda and beyond
  • Acute shortage of funds
  • Translation of the HIV/AIDS Anthem into other official languages
  • Establishment of Inter City and Continental Agencies to participate in the process of distribution / dissemination.
  • Training of trainers to teach the Anthem continuously

Key strength of SLU:
SLU has gained experience through continuous participatory engagements with grass root communities especially schools where students and pupils are engage in planning and implementation of programmes thus increasing sustainable awareness on the dangers of HIV/AIDS and other killer diseases.

Safe Life Uganda is at the forefront of community mobilisation against HIV/AIDS and other killer diseases in Uganda and beyond. Most importantly, the continued struggle against HIV/AIDS revolves on empowered communities especially with means to push their agenda with the State and knowledge of the existing policies and frame works in which communities have been made aware of dignified living.

It becomes important to look at the real empowerment where people have the necessary information critical for making informed decisions and skills to act on their information.

Safe Life Uganda has from 1st of April, 2010 established a Health News Magazine to propel harvesting, processing and dissemination of information to various levels of communities with tremendous / sustainable impact.

Thank You for reading.


One moment, someday
HIV/AIDS will surrender
Crave A.B.C, VCT, ARVs....
Go test now

Keep on fighting
Let life flow
Don't die young
Why die young

Come closeR God
AIDS will vanish
Heal those infected
Bless those affected
Widows, orphans, widowers....
Aids will surrender
One moment, someday
All will rejoice

Click to see the music


The Anti HIVI AIDS Anthem has been brought timely and rightly to Paidah
Demonstration School by the Composer who within no time has taught and the children were sharp enough to get the Anthem. We do accept that the Anti AIDS Anthem will have an impact on the teachers, children and communities around us and have a change of behavior in theirfuture.
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The Prisons Band has adopted the Anti-HIV Anthem with its four voices: Solo, Alto, Tenor and Base. This Anthem - has-put all the dynamics of music and it is up to the standard. Uganda Prisons Band.
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