By safe life Investigator
World acclaimed HIV/AIDS activist cum composer HIV/AIDS Anthem, Patrick Donald Oucha, March/15th visited a preparatory school for Autograph, photography and to access first hand HIV/AIDS information among infants living within needy communities.
Interacting with children, teachers and section of parents; Oucha quickly identified that information flow on how to handle HIV/AIDS positive child was not adequate.
“Teachers and parents should share adequate information on child health status to keep a child active at a pre-paratory school “said Oucha”
Parombo Great Nursery School offers free education to HIV positive children and 50% fee discount to children with unknown HIV AIDS conditions. The school was established in 2011 with intent to boost pre-primary(foundation) learning among infants in Parombo, fight stigma and discrimination
About 80% of pre-primary children are out of school and could be seen loitering half naked within Parombo Township “an estimated 500 children fail to enroll for pre-primary school annually.
Most of them are orphans without sustainable income” said school director Oyungrwoth .
Oucha donated items worth 2000 United State dollars to enhance development of the school.